You may have heard the famous Martin Luther King quote that “a riot is the language of the unheard,” but have you ever wondered what that language is saying?
In The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology (2012), the philosopher Slavoj Zizek argues that rioting, and specifically looting, is an expression of anger without theory. Poor people know that the current system does not work and they are angry, yet they have no alternative. Having no alternative theory, all they can do is participate in the current capitalist system more aggressively. What is looting, but aggressive shopping?
Without a competing theory of some kind, those who want change are simply aggressively shopping. There is rage without change. There is no difference between most activism and modern capitalism. No difference between creating awareness on social media and building a social media brand. No difference between holding protests and live event promotion. No difference between most non-profits and corporations. Without theory, we are simply offering a different consumer choice, rather than a revolution. Buy “intact,” rather than circumcision. Buy “homebirth,” rather than hospital birth. Buy “homeschool,” rather than government school. By the way, be sure to like and subscribe:
Children’s Justice is not here to promote a different choice. We are here to question the entire system that created the illusion of a choice. This is a different worldview. It will challenge you.
Theory will require that you learn new ideas and change, yet how can you ask the world to learn new ideas and change unless you yourself are not willing to undergo the same transformation? If you haven’t gotten the change you want yet, this is the reason. You must change first. The revolution will not be televised. It begins within.
I have already undergone this change myself. I completely changed my way of seeing the world through theory. I wrote a book called Children’s Justice that can lead you through the same path to change. What took me a year could take you only a few chapters. Read now.