Excellent piece Brendon. My optimism grew in viewing a recent BSM protest in Philadelphia at University of Pennsylvania where dozens and dozens of students thronged themselves into the BSM space for thumbs-up photos. I think the college campuses have the most "willing listeners", and offer an insight into how to break through. Frankly, they were in a celebratory social mood where their support could double as goofiness for fun photos - that helps break the tension. There may also have been some day drinking involved. But most importantly, there was monkey see monkey do occurring. Social media silence is deafening, but when you see hugs and fun pictures being taken, I think it disarms people. Also to be frank, the beautiful intactivist women are a major positive force in helping people welcome the message.

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Thanks for this challenging statement. I hope it will inspire some of our medical denialists to actually listen to the truths they generally refuse to hear.

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“ Multiple activists have experience situations” —> experienced

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You're becoming a pundit. Yes, that's what happens, willful silence and phrases that entirely miss deliberately, the message.

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